Addiction Counseling Review: Preparing for Comprehensive, Certification, and Licensing Examinations by Robert Holman Coombs
Addiction Counseling Review: Preparing for Comprehensive, Certification, and Licensing Examinations by Robert Holman Coombs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Addiction Counseling Review: Preparing for Comprehensive, Certification, and Licensing Examinations offers a clear, readable overview of the knowledge and skills those training as alcohol or other drug counselors need to pass their final degree program, certification, and licensing examinations. It is organized into six sections: Addiction Basics, Personality Development and Drugs, Common Client Problems, Counseling Theories and Skills, Treatment Resources, and Career Issues. Each chapter includes challenging study questions that enable readers to assess their own level of understanding, including true/false, multiple choice, and provocative discussion questions. Each chapter also provides a glossary of key terms and, in addition to references, annotated suggestions for further reading and Web site exploration.This book will be a resource to which students and trainees will go on referring to long after it has helped them through their examinations. In addition, faculty and established professionals will find it a useful one-stop summary of current thinking about best practice.
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