Tuesday, 16 September 2014

PDF⋙ e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann by Loïc Zimmermann

e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann by Loïc Zimmermann

e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann

e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann by Loïc Zimmermann PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

There are plenty of books out there in the world that feature beautiful artwork. There are plenty that offer advice and guidance. There are plenty written by experts in their respective fields. But how many combine all three?

e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann is a unique title from the renowned French visual artist Loïc Zimmermann. The ultimate collection of his artwork, this book boasts a combination of never-before-seen pieces and examples of the work that he has become famous for across the internet. Alongside this, Zimmermann offers his advice to any digital artists looking to follow in his footsteps on key subjects including how to promote yourself and your work effectively on the internet and problem-solving, while also providing an insight into what life is like working in the visual art field.

This behind-the-scenes knowledge, combined with the stunning artwork and valuable advice, makes e338: The Art of Loïc Zimmermann an essential title for anyone who is thinking of pursuing a career in the digital art industry or is simply seeking some inspiration to help improve their work.

Loïc "e338" Zimmermann is a US-based concept artist, currently working for Luma Pictures in Los Angeles, California. His epic skills will have been seen by the masses in films such as Thor and X-Men, while his hybrid 2D and 3D artworks bring him great respect and admiration from the CG art communities. He was also awarded a "Maya Master" in 2009 by the leading software company Autodesk.

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